What does Convert to Vector mean

The process of taking an image, design or logo and converting it to a print ready vector is also commonly known as a vector redraw or logo redraw or image vectorisation. This process is also known by other acronyms such as jpeg to vector and jpg to vector.

Why Convert to Vector

Customers may want a logo redraw or image vectorised for many reasons, but the primary reason is so that they can use the logo or image for print on a business card, leaflet, flyer, sign shop, t-shirt or printing on other material or engraving.
For printing purposes, the image or logo has to be of a very high quality, and many of our customers come to us once their printers tell them that the quality of their logo or image or artwork needs improving to avoid a bad quality print.
That is what our convert to vector redraw service is all about. By converting your image or logo to vector, i.e. doing a vector redraw or logo redraw, we improve the quality of your image or logo. Your vector image or logo vector will print well - whatever it's size. For example, if the vector will be printed on business cards then a small size vector will be used. If it is to be printed on shop sign, then a much larger size vector will be used.
In either case, the great property of a vectorised image or vector logo is that, at any size it maintains its quality. In addition, a vector image can be easily be altered to modify it's properties such as changes to colours.
It is important to understand that a vector or logo redraw can be done using different methods, each method producing results of varying quality. Read More.